Replacement Windows

$500 off of a qualifying purchase of five windows or more.


Must be presented at time of estimate, cannot be combined with other offers.

Expires End of February

State-of-the-Art Replacements

Windows are an important fixture in any house, and they should be made to last. We know North Jersey is no stranger to extreme weather. Whether it be rain, snow, or tropical storm, you deserve a product that can withstand even the harshest conditions. That’s why we’re proud to offer SoftLite as the solution. Here are a few of the benefits of installing these long-lasting window replacements:

  • Improved aesthetic: Any replacement or renovation is an upgrade, and with dozens of options to choose from, you’re sure to find something that’s right for you.
  • Better efficiency: These replacement windows are incredibly easy to clean, and they also keep the heat and cold air locked in your home, saving you time and money.
  • More secure: Each component of this window is manufactured for strength and longevity, with features like triple-layered, impact-resistant glass and fusion-welded seams.

State-of-the-Art Replacements

Our Selection of Replacement Windows

At New Jersey Siding & Windows, Inc., homeowners can choose from wood or vinyl replacement windows in 10 different styles, including:

  • Double hung windows: The most popular style of window, this window requires less maintenance.
  • Casement windows: A crank mechanism swings this window open from the sides on hinges. Providing the tightest seal, this style is the most energy-efficient window we offer.
  • Slider windows: The placement of the sash makes the horizontal opening smooth and easy.
  • Bay windows: Typically composed of three windows, this window protrudes from the home, either tied into existing roof, or with a stand alone roof built over it. Bay and bow windows make living spaces feel more spacious.
  • Bow windows: Similar to bay windows, this style often has more windows and is a great choice for living and dining rooms.
  • Garden windows: This window sticks in a similar fashion to bay windows and is perfect for plants and herbs. The sloped roof allows maximum sunlight without risking water buildup.
  • Awning windows: Similar to a casement window, this window cranks outward, as the hinge is fastened to the top of the window.
  • Picture windows: A fixed window that does not open, picture windows are great in spaces where you need plenty of glass.
  • Specialty windows: These vinyl windows are tailored to any specific needs your project requires.

Professional Home Window Installation Services for North Jersey

Proud to serve the North Jersey area, the team at New Jersey Siding & Windows, Inc., continues to offer high-quality home window replacement services to fit your every need. Contact us today for a free estimate.



Vinyl windows are the answer for those looking for energy efficiency and savings for their home. The construction of a vinyl window frame, which has a honeycomb-like interior, allows for additional foam insulation, improving the overall performance of the window. The joint on the window frames are fusion-welded, as opposed to being joined by screws or fasteners, which also improves performance and durability. Vinyl windows also come in a myriad of colors and wood-laminate finishes, matching the tastes of any homeowner. The Elements window by SoftLite, a New Jersey Siding & Windows exclusive, is unmatched by any other window in terms of performance, with the AAMA rating and hard data numbers to back it up. To find out more about the vinyl windows and window installation services offered by New Jersey Siding & Windows.